Saturday, October 22, 2005


Behind every scar
There was a pain
That will always remain

Behind every scar
There was a moment
Very important

Behind every scar
There was a little girl crying inside
Sick of these feelings

Behind every scar
There was something
I could never forget

Behind every scar
There were words
I didn’t want to hear

Behind every scar
There was a pain or anger
I tried to ease

Behind every scar
There was a wound
That will never heal

Behind every scar
There was a day
I wished was the last one

Behind every scar
There was an instant
Where you ignored me

Behind every scar
There was something
You never said or did

Behind every scar
There was a failure
I tried to forget

Behind every scar
There were some feelings or emotions
I had to let go

Behind every scar
There was a girl
Sick of this life

Behind every scar
There was something missing
And it was you !


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i feel like i can really relate to your poems, and i used to be a very addicted cutter so my arms are covered in scars, and your poem describes exactly how i feel every time i look down at my arm and see all the scars. i love your poems, you can tell that they are really based on your own true experiences, they are too real not to be.

6:15 PM  

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